Bhaiya Duj
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Bhaiya Duj

Bhaiya Duj, symbolizing the deep affection between brothers and sister is celebrated on the second day of the bright fortnight of Kartik, day to which fall the next day to Goverdhan Puja. The married women invite their dear brother to their respective homes, apply turmeric or sandal paste tilaks on their foreheads, tie a coloured thread round their right wrists, pray for their prosperity and longevity and then feast them on sweets and other delicacies.

In return they receive valuable gifts, re: gifts do so at their parents' home. Duj is also called the Yama Dvitiya, because this day also symbolize the deep affection between Yama and his sister Yami. Sisters pray yama for their brothers' longevity, good health and happiness, and Observe strict fast. The Sun-born Yamuna, sister of Yama is also worshipped on this day.