Herbs for Planets in Astrology
To ward off the malefic effects of the planets our seers have recommended a lot of remedies. To propitiate them it is recommended to donate the
articles associated with the planet, recite the mantras, wear the gems etc. It is not possible for every person to wear
the precious stones for remedy of planets; hence, our seers assigned roots of some herbs
in astrology, which could be used to propitiate the planets. No doubt these herbs give their same effect as desired from the gems.
These herbs are not only used to propitiate the planets but are also useful in the diseases associated with the planets.
How to use Herbs for remedial measure in Astrology: The very first thing, one has to do is inviting the herb. The native
has to go the plant and request him to come to his home to fulfill his desire. After this he should water the root of the plant and lit dhoop
there. These herbs are uprooted during the Ravi-Pushya Nakshatras. Besides, days have been assigned to each herb for uprooting.
For Rahu Wednesday or Saturday, for Ketu Thursday etc.
Before uprooting, the native should request to the powers that are residing on the tree to leave the tree for some time and make their base at some
other place. The next day he should dig out the root either with hand or with some wood. At the end he should ask for pardon from the tree for giving
it pains ad again invite it to your home. Following are some of the herbs associated with the planets:-
- Sun:- The root of Baelmool or Bent be tied up in pink colour cloth and worn in the neck
or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Sunday or on any of the constellations of Sun (Kritika,
Uttarphalguni, uttarshada) at the time of Sun rise.
- Moon:- The root of Khirni be tied up in white colour cloth and worn in the neck or tied
on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Monday or on ay of the constellations of Moon (Rohini, Hasta,
Sharawan) during night of Purnima.
- Mars:- The root of Aantmool or Nagphanie tied up in Red colour cloth and worn in the neck
or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Tuesday or on any of the constellations of Mars
(Mrigshira, Chitra,Dhanishata) at the time of Sun rise.
- Mercury:- The root of vidhara or Bharangi be tied up in green colour cloth and worn in
the neck or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Wednesday or on any of the constellations
of Mercury (Ashlesha, Jyestha, Rewati) at the time of Sun rise.
- Jupiter:- The root of Turmeric or Banana be tied up in yellow colour cloth and worn in
the neck or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Thursday or on any or the constellations
of Jupiter (Punarvasu, Vishakha, Purvabhadrapad) on Purnima falling on Thursday during evening.
- Venus: - The root of Pomegranate or Sarponkha, or Arand be tied up in white colour cloth and
worn in the neck or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Friday or on any of the constellations
of Venus (Bharni, Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada) during noon.
- Saturn:- The root of Bichoobuti be tied up in blue colour cloth and worn in the neck or tied
on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Saturday or on any of the constellations of Saturn (Pushya
Anuradha, Uttarbhadarpad) at the time of evening.
- Rahu:- The rosary made up of root of Shwet chandan mool be worn in the neck or tied on the
arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket on Wednesday or Saturday on any of the constellatios of Rahu (Aadra, Swati,
Shatbhisha) at the time of Sunset.
- Ketu:- The root of Ashwagandha be tied up in black or yellow colour cloth and worn in the neck
or tied on the arm, waist or could be kept in the pocket o Thursday or on any of the constellations of Ketu (Ashwani,
Magha, Mool) at the time of Sun rise.
- Navgrah:- The root of black wood apple is used to propitiate the navgrah. The root of this
plant is uprooted o Tuesday or during the constellations of Mars (Mrigshira, Chitra, Dhanishata).
Your can buy the Herbs online from
Astroshastra, to be used as remedies through herbs in Astrology. We provide authentic and
original herbs obtained on auspicious time. You can mail us at
sales@astroshastra.com for any sales enquiry.