Astrology and Ayurveda

Application of Astrology with Ayurveda
Astrology and Ayurveda , both are the parts of Vedas . Both have their
roots in the same Indian Vedic tradition. Both, the science of correlation of heavenly bodies with human existence, both these sciences are greatly
intertwined with each other, and often one of them corroborates or even supplements the other. For this reason, several Ayurvedic vaidyas have looked
upon Astro as a supplement to their prescriptions, and several astrologists have tried to rectify planetary maladies with the help of both.
It is the science of planetary movements. There are about thirty slokas in the Rig Veda, fourty four in Yajura Veda and one hundred and sixty two in Atharva Veda. It is the science of the influence of the planets and stars on human and terrestrial affairs. In the Indian scriptures, Jyotish Shastra is one of the six disciplines required for the proper understanding of the Vedas, which are known as the Vedangas. The other five Vedangas are:-Shiksha – Study of Phonetics, Chanda – Study of Meter, Vyakarana – Study of Grammar, Nirukta – Study of Etymology, Kalpa – Study of the Rituals
Ayurveda is part of AtharvaVeda. There are three texts on Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita and the Bhela Samhita.It is the system of Indian healing that has been practised in India for thousands of years.
It is based on the three constitutions, the three dosha's. These three dosha's are called vata, pitta and kapha. Vata corresponds to air, pitta to fire, and kapha to earth and water. The astrological signs, are divided in these three Doshas:
• Vata : Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Virgo is placed here because it is ruled by Mercury, which is an air planet. Capricorn is mentioned here because it is ruled by the vata planet Saturn.
• Pitta : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio is pitta because the classic ruler of Scorpio is the fire planet Mars. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not used, and so Mars remains the ruler of Scorpio.
• Kapha : Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces. These are the earth and water signs not assigned to vata and pitta.
• A vata type is generally slim (thin), has difficulty concentrating, feels the cold and has a great urge to be quickly satisfied in his needs. He eats quickly, chews his food badly and eats at irregular hours.
• A kapha type is often corpulent, slow, and has a calm, thoughtful character. He eats a lot and enjoys his food.
• A pitta type has a well-balanced figure, likes action and can be hot tempered. Because his life is so busy, he may feel food is not very important.
Vata means wind and has the elements of ether and air. Pitta means bile and has the elements of fire and water. Kapha means phlegm and has the elements of water and earth. Each Dosha has its natural qualities, and as with the Gunas of Ayurveda there are foods that are associated with each Dosha:
• Vata: cold, dry, light, moving, flighty, spiritual, thin
• Pitta: hot, oily, light, fiery, vibrant, successful, aggressive
• Kapha: cool, oily, heavy, stable, slow, methodical, greedy
• Vata: bitter, astringent, pungent/spicy, raw
• Pitta: sour, pungent/spicy, salty, fetid, warm
• Kapha: sweet, salty, sour, creamy, heavily cooked
In our birth charts the Doshas of our Ascendant, its ruling planet, and the ruler of the sixth house (health, disease, and hygeine) can give us a heads-up to potential imbalances in our bodies.
Medical astrology scientifically studies planetary movements and their effect on human constitutions and lives. It is based on the concept that each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly affecting your physical and mental health. It is to be noted that sun, rahu & ketu are nodal points exactly opposite each other and are given the status of planets. They are important indicators of spiritual and / or materialistic tendencies.
There are Nine Planets (as per ancient literature in Jyotish), which has got a capacity to rule over our life. They occupy different places in our Natal chart (JanmaKundali). According to their specific location in natal chart, they decide several factors with reference to our life viz. Our Nature and Behaviour (Swabhava and Prakruti), Disorders (Roga/Vyadhi) etc. So by looking at ones natal chart one can predict several things with special reference to both as well.
It accepts the therapy of PANCHAMAHABHOOTAS. Therefore the Nine planets about whom we have discussed before can also be co-related with there five Basic Elelments and they are as follows:
There are references available with specific respect to the co-relation of planets and the Vital Body tissues (Dhatus) of the Human body also. These dhatus are considered to be an important component of forming of body (Sharira).
Associated with planetary influences are the ailments affecting the portion of the body represented by the Sign position of the planet - at birth, in transit, or by direction; and by the Signs and Houses ruled by the planet.
It is the science of planetary movements. There are about thirty slokas in the Rig Veda, fourty four in Yajura Veda and one hundred and sixty two in Atharva Veda. It is the science of the influence of the planets and stars on human and terrestrial affairs. In the Indian scriptures, Jyotish Shastra is one of the six disciplines required for the proper understanding of the Vedas, which are known as the Vedangas. The other five Vedangas are:-Shiksha – Study of Phonetics, Chanda – Study of Meter, Vyakarana – Study of Grammar, Nirukta – Study of Etymology, Kalpa – Study of the Rituals
Ayurveda is part of AtharvaVeda. There are three texts on Charaka Samhita, the Sushruta Samhita and the Bhela Samhita.It is the system of Indian healing that has been practised in India for thousands of years.
It is based on the three constitutions, the three dosha's. These three dosha's are called vata, pitta and kapha. Vata corresponds to air, pitta to fire, and kapha to earth and water. The astrological signs, are divided in these three Doshas:
• Vata : Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius. Virgo is placed here because it is ruled by Mercury, which is an air planet. Capricorn is mentioned here because it is ruled by the vata planet Saturn.
• Pitta : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and Scorpio. Scorpio is pitta because the classic ruler of Scorpio is the fire planet Mars. Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are not used, and so Mars remains the ruler of Scorpio.
• Kapha : Taurus, Cancer, and Pisces. These are the earth and water signs not assigned to vata and pitta.
• A vata type is generally slim (thin), has difficulty concentrating, feels the cold and has a great urge to be quickly satisfied in his needs. He eats quickly, chews his food badly and eats at irregular hours.
• A kapha type is often corpulent, slow, and has a calm, thoughtful character. He eats a lot and enjoys his food.
• A pitta type has a well-balanced figure, likes action and can be hot tempered. Because his life is so busy, he may feel food is not very important.
Vata means wind and has the elements of ether and air. Pitta means bile and has the elements of fire and water. Kapha means phlegm and has the elements of water and earth. Each Dosha has its natural qualities, and as with the Gunas of Ayurveda there are foods that are associated with each Dosha:
• Vata: cold, dry, light, moving, flighty, spiritual, thin
• Pitta: hot, oily, light, fiery, vibrant, successful, aggressive
• Kapha: cool, oily, heavy, stable, slow, methodical, greedy
• Vata: bitter, astringent, pungent/spicy, raw
• Pitta: sour, pungent/spicy, salty, fetid, warm
• Kapha: sweet, salty, sour, creamy, heavily cooked
In our birth charts the Doshas of our Ascendant, its ruling planet, and the ruler of the sixth house (health, disease, and hygeine) can give us a heads-up to potential imbalances in our bodies.
Medical astrology scientifically studies planetary movements and their effect on human constitutions and lives. It is based on the concept that each planet is intrinsically related to a specific body tissue and that the various planetary movements and their positions in relation to time exert powerful influences on your mind, body and consciousness, directly affecting your physical and mental health. It is to be noted that sun, rahu & ketu are nodal points exactly opposite each other and are given the status of planets. They are important indicators of spiritual and / or materialistic tendencies.
There are Nine Planets (as per ancient literature in Jyotish), which has got a capacity to rule over our life. They occupy different places in our Natal chart (JanmaKundali). According to their specific location in natal chart, they decide several factors with reference to our life viz. Our Nature and Behaviour (Swabhava and Prakruti), Disorders (Roga/Vyadhi) etc. So by looking at ones natal chart one can predict several things with special reference to both as well.
It accepts the therapy of PANCHAMAHABHOOTAS. Therefore the Nine planets about whom we have discussed before can also be co-related with there five Basic Elelments and they are as follows:
Planets | Panchabhautic | Dhatu/Updhatu | Body part represented | Component |
Sun (Surya) | Fire | Ashti(Bones) | Soul | Tej |
Moon(Chandra) | Water | Rakta(Blood) | Mind | jala |
Mars (Mangal) |
Fire | Majja(Bone Marrow) | Vitality | Teja |
Mercury(Budha) | Earth | Twacha(Skin) | Nerves | Prithvi |
Jupiter (Guru) |
Space | Vasa(Adipuse tissue) | Heart | Aakasha |
Venus(Shukra) | Water | Shukra(Semen/Sperm) | Sex organs | Jala |
Saturn (Shani) | Air | Snayu(Muscle) | Feet | Vayu |
- - |
Bones Secret parts |
There are references available with specific respect to the co-relation of planets and the Vital Body tissues (Dhatus) of the Human body also. These dhatus are considered to be an important component of forming of body (Sharira).
Associated with planetary influences are the ailments affecting the portion of the body represented by the Sign position of the planet - at birth, in transit, or by direction; and by the Signs and Houses ruled by the planet.
Planets | Corresponding ailments |
Sun | Ailments of heart and upper spinal region; fevers and breaking down of tissues; fainting spells; diseases of the spleen. Circulatory deficiencies, Anaemia Indigestion |
Moon | Endocrine imbalance resulting in inflamed glands and defective eyesight; functional ailments and irregularities; allergies; mental instabilities; female disorders; Lunacy, emotional depression |
Mars | Constipation, Flatulence, Liver trouble, Blind piles, Skin Trouble Mercury Nervous Disease, Ulcers, Acidity, Blood Pressure, Restlessness, Irritation |
Mercury | Nervous Disease, Ulcers, Acidity, Blood Pressure, Restlessness, Irritation |
Jupiter | Jaundice, Biliousness, chronic acidity, Colic Problems Palpitation, Toothache ,Insomnia |
Venus | Bronchial disorder, Whooping Cough, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Sexual ailments, Delirium, Obsessions |
Saturn | Neurosis, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Rheumatism, Excretory disorders |
Rahu Ketu |
Hyperacidity, Burning Sensations, Brain Disorders, Sexual Excesses ,Drinking Problems> Skin Disorders, Nervous Debility, Small Pox, Urinary Tract Infections |
Grahas | Disease caused | Ayurvedic & English/Latin Name of Herb |
Sun | Inflammations in the body, epilepsy, fevers and bilious disorders, eye diseases, diseases below the navel, skin diseases, bone diseases, psychological diseases, irrational fears, rational fears, bites from poisonous reptiles like snakes | Billwamoola- Bael tree (Aeglemarmelos) |
Moon | Sleep diseases such as insomnia (lack of sleep) or somnambulism (sleep-walking), coughs, dysentery,
tumor, malaria, idleness, constipation, loss of appetite,
disinterest in food, jaundice, blood-related diseases,
hydrophobia, fear of animals with horns, problems
concerning women, hallucinations |
Khrika-Cucumbe (Curumis Sativus) |
Mars | Excessive thirst, bilious disorders, flatulence, excessive fear of fire, tumors in stomach and appendicitis, leprosy, eye diseases,
epilepsy, bone marrow diseases, itching,
rough skin, fractures in the body, continuous family
conflicts, continuous problems with enemies |
Bridhadwarakamoola-n.a. |
Mercury | Lack of self-confidence, irrational fears, throat and eye problems, goiter, nose diseases, colds, coughs, HemidismusIndica) fevers, flatulence, poisoning, skin diseases, jaundice, excessive fear of fire | Anantmool-Indian Sarsarapilla |
Jupiter | Stomach tumors such as gastric tumors and a tumors, appendicitis, typhoid, coughs, ear diseases,
comas, frequent litigations, problems with friends,
parents and other relatives, diseases resembling
affliction due to curses |
fantum Brahmajatimool-n.a. |
Venus | with the heart, frequent bereavement |
Shwetaberelamoola - n.a. |
Saturn | Flatulence, cough, pain in the legs, excessive fatigue, illusion, excessive heat in the body, mental shocks, personal calamities, accidents causing temporary or lasting wounds in the body, problems | Shwetachandanmoola - n.a. |
Rahu | Heart diseases such as attacks and inflammations, leprosy, illusions, hallucinations, diseases due to poisoning, irrational fears, excessive hurt and wounds | Shwetachandanmoola - n.a. |
Ketu | Conflicts between castes, unknown mysterious
diseases that cannot be easily found out by doctors (With aniasomnifera) |
Ashwagandha - Winter Cherry |
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