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Bleeding from the nose is called epistaxis. According to Ayurveda, it is a form of urdhvaga rakta pitta. It is usually associated with nasal polyp. During summer, this occurs often, specially in small children. Exposure to sun or fire, high blood pressure and infection in the nose precipitate the attack.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Epistaxis: The patient having epistaxis should be given a wash of his face and head with cold water. Cold water can be given for inhalation as well. He should not sneeze or put any type of strain on the nose which aggravates bleeding.

Durva is the ideal drug for this condition. The juice of this grass is to be poured into the nose, about ten drops in each nostril, and deeply inhaled. Similarly, the juice of the flower of pomegranate should be given to the patient for deep inhalation. If the patient suffers from repeated attacks of epistaxis, then during the period when there is no attack, he should be given Anu taila for inhalation, in a dose of ten drops in each nostril.

Vasavaleha may be given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful three times a day with honey or milk. Nasal polyp usually occurs in patients suffering from chronic cold and chronic constipation. In such cases Chyavana prasha can be given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful two times a day with milk.

Diet to taken by Epistaxis patients: The patient should not be given any hot or spicy things to eat. Grapes, white pumpkin, meat soup, soup of moong dal, old rice, pomegranate, butter and cow's milk can be given to the patient.

Other regimens: The epistaxis patient should not expose himself to hard physical or mental labour. He should have his blood pressure checked. If the blood pressure is high, hasty steps should not be taken to check the bleeding from the nose, because it works as a safety valve. The patient should not be permitted to remain awake late in the night.