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RING WORM This is a skin disease caused by fungi. In Ayurveda this is called dadru. The infection spreads peripherally and heals centrally with the result that the earlier region becomes a ring with scaly or vesicular border and a central zone of normal or recovered skin.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Ring worm: The patient should take regular bath and wear clean and dry clothes. Bath with hot water boiled with neem leaves is extremely useful in this condition. Applying a paste of neem leaves over the affected areas of the skin is desirable. In chronic patients, application of Paradadi malham or Dadrughna lepa proves very useful. A drug called Edgaja is commonly used for the treatment. The seeds of this plant are taken in powder form and applied over the affected area in the form of a paste.

Giving the patient Shuddhagandhaka internally proves very useful. It should be given in a dose of 0.2 gm., twice daily, mixed with honey. These medicines both internally and externally should be continued for some time, even after the patch is cured. There is every likelihood of the recurrence of this disease. Therefore, medicines should be continued for about 7 days after the patches have disappeared.

Diet to taken by Ring worm patients: Sour things, including curd and pickles, should be avoided.

Other regimens: The ring worm patient should wear clean clothes and take bath daily with water boiled with neem leaves.