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HAEMOPTYSIS Spitting of blood while coughing is called haemoptysis. This is primarily caused by such diseases as tuberculosis and cancer of the lungs. In Ayurveda it is included in the group of urdhvaga rakta pitta. The patient spits blood while coughing. Sometimes blood is accompanied with mucus.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Haemoptysis: Vasaka is the drug of choice for the treatment of this condition. It is given to the patient in the form of juice in a dose of two teaspoonfuls four times a day. It is bitter in taste and is, therefore, given to the patient; mixed with honey.

Pravala pishti, a preparation of coral, is the drug of choice for the treatment of this condition. It is given in a dose of one gm. four times a day, mixed with honey.

Diet to taken by Haemoptysis patients: Hot and spicy things should be avoided and the patient should be given pomegranate, amalak.i, cow's milk and water. Old rice, soup of patola, moong, masur and meat can be given to the patient.

Other regimens: The Haemoptysis patient should not do any exercise, and take complete rest. He should avoid the sun.