1. Amarkanti:- This plant is
available in India between Ranikhet and Bhuwali (Uttrakhand-India) and also in mountains of Russia, This plant is about four feet in height and girth is about two feet,
root 6 to 8 inches deep, its leaves are pointed and thorny. In winter, the plants have good growth, whereas I summer the leaves wither away. The colour of the plant is green.
In case one takes the juice of root of this plant, he will be cured from bronchitis, palpitation of heart and breath, bodily weakens etc. If one takes this medicine or juice
for six moths continuously, the weakness in sexual power is removed and one leads a happy life and looks much younger in age. This is especially useful for old age. In Russia
this is very widely used. Its roots when put in water starts discharging and water colour become yellow. This water if taken cures many diseases, also used for Achman and
sadhna purposes.
Another use of the leaves of this plant is to extract the juice of its leaves which be passed through the process of calcinations (i.e. reducing metals to ashes in a hole
in the earth). This extract if used as medicine for one weak removes old age, sexual power is increased and man look very young.
2. Mayurkand:- This plant is found in Kulu-Manali area (Himachal Pardesh-India); the people of that area worship this plant. Its root, trunk and leaves all can be used. It
cures Rheumatic pains, cancer, brain fever and other diseases. It is being used widely in china. White hairs are turned black through its use.
This plant is three to four feet in height and looks like holy basil. If its root is powered and taken regularly for two months, the skin having black colour removes
automatically and a fresh red skin appears, which removes all old age wrinkles and makes the user quite young. The juice of leaves if mixed in wine to the tune of two
or three drops, the sexual power which has weakened by the passage of time will be recouped and the man looks very young. The Ladies can use the juice of its root,
it keeps her beauty, the face shies and black spots under the eyes as are commonly seen or spots on the face vanish and the lady becomes young and attractive.
3. Rudra Vanti:- The root of this plant is very useful. The old root of this plant has specific use; the older it is the more effective would be. It is said that the
older it is the more effective would be. It is said that the old root of this plant cost five thousands rupees a gram.
The juice of the root is especially useful for Diphtheria, Cough, Cancer, diseases of semen, weakness of organs, gastric ad other diseases connected with belly etc. are
cured through the use of juice of roots.
The juice of its roots also cures the deficiency of semen etc and for diabetic persons. The paste of its leaves if applied on head for 3 days, the baldness is cured and
hairs grow black in colour. The growth of ordinary hairs is increased, especially for ladies. The falling hairs are stopped. The juice of leaves can be taken instead. The
root and leaves can be used for any pain or defect in joints and bones.
4. Aam Tari:- This plant is found around Dehra Dun and Mosurrie area and in Lai Tiba area of Mosurrie. It is barely four to five feet in height, has small leaves, which
shine in Dark night. Its leaves are dipped in water for three days and then grounded to make a paste. If this paste is applied on face, hands, body etc, all wrinkles will
go and one will look young. The powder of its roots if used for one month will make white hairs to black. It is also useful for ladies who do not conceive, have irregular
menses and face aberration which are cured through its leaves.
5. Kali Tumbi:- In jungles of Rajasthan, mountains of Manipur and near Gangotri, a tree like palm is found is known as Tuma. Its fruits are like coconut, which fall after
they become ripe. Out of these fruits one black fruit is rarely found. Actually this is very useful for Tantrik Sadhanas. The seed of kali Tumbi is rubbed in ten years
old jaggery and becomes a paste. At the time of Sidhi many tantriks offer their tongue and body parts by cutting to kali and after that restore them in position-though
this paste.
6. Black Tumeric:- It is known as kali Haldi and is used in Tantric Sadhana. It is found in areas of Narbada River in Madhya Pradesh, also in Makwanpur Distt. Of Nepal,
and plains of Vastor. It is used also in medicines for Bronchitis as paste etc. The paste is used as Tilak by Tantrik on forehead of Kali.
7. Black Rice:- During rainy season its growth is natural in Assam hills in a small quantity. When it is chewed, the colour of mouth becomes red. It is too called Bloody
Rice. The red water made through its powder is used in Tantrik Sadhanas and particularly for Durga Sidhi and this rice is offered.
8. Dhanwantri:- This plant is available in Jammu Kashmir area, and is being called as Dhanuri by the local people. The plant is about three feet in height and girth is
about two feet. This plant shines like a fire in the night. The plant twinkles during the night. Its leaves are pointed, some thorns are found with its root. Trunk leaves
and its roots are very valuable and are used for cure of many diseases.
One does not feel hunger ad thrust for 24 hours if one takes its one leaf. One leaf taken with honey by a woman does not cause her to be pregnant; the powder of leaf can
also be used. Fresh leaves powder taken with milk cures eye diseases.
Its root if mixed I vegetable and cooked removes the bleakish tinge colour of the body. The powder of its root processed through calcinations if applied as a paste removes
the black colour of the body and a new red good colour of body appears and one looks beautiful. One becomes lean if powder of its root is taken, the weight is reduced.
Dry its leaves in shade and make powder, this powder mixed with honey if taken for a week, the sexual incompatibility is removed.If take for a month; one feels fully
competent in sex acts. For ladies, the plant acts as a magic. The powder if taken for one month by them makes them beautiful, the body becomes lean and of attractive
proportionate body.
If its root is cooked with pulse for fifteen days and taken daily then it clears the skin of blemishes and body becomes attractive. The powder of its root mixed with
hair oil, if rubber in hair, the white hairs becomes black and long. The juice of it if applied on the face for three days, all spots of small pox or of any other
thing vani-shes and face becomes clear.