Hiccups are characterised by the sharp inspiratory sound produced with the spasm of glottis and diaphragm. In Ayurveda it is known as hikka roga.
Depending upon the doshas involved in the pathogenesis of the disease, different types of symptoms are manifested.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hiccups: The ash of peacock feather is considered to be the best therapy for the condition. It is given in a dose of 0.125 gm. six times a day. mixed with honey.
Eladi vati, which
contains cardamom as an
important ingredient, is popularly given for the treatment of this condition. It is given with honey to be sucked in a dose of one tablet six times a day. For the alleviation of upward
movement of vayu, Sukumara ghrita should be given to the patient in a dose of one teaspoonful three times a day with milk.
Diet to taken by Hiccups patients: Kulattha is very useful in this condition. The juice, the soup or the dal preparation of this can be given to the patient. Old rice, patola, tender radish, lemon,
goat's milk
and garlic can also be given. Fatty food, heavy and cold food and masha are contra-indicated in this condition.
Other regimens: The patient should be given psycho-therapy if the hiccup is produced as a result of psychoneurotic conditions. The patient should be given rest and he
should not
suppress the natural urges in any form.