LEUCORRHEA This is characterised by a discharge
the female genital tract. It is often
associated with infection of the genital tract by some organisms.
Organisms apart, some metabolic and hormonal disturbances are re�sponsible for this disease. The discharge from the genital tract produces foul smell if there is infection.
The consistency
of the discharge varies from patient to patient depending upon the age and the menstrual phase when the patient is afflicted with this trouble.
In Ayurveda, this is believed to be caused by the aggravation or vitiation of kapha dosha. This commonly occurs in patients who are weak, emaciated and anaemic.
Patients suffering from chronic leucorrhea become irritable and it is often associated with digestive disturbances. There is always some difficulty in the movement of the bowels.
The patients develop a black circular patch around their eyes which is very characteristic from the diagnostic point of view. Remaining awake late at night precipitates the attacks
of this trouble. There is a vicious circle of leucorrhea and mental worry.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Leucorrhea: For the treatment of this ailment, it is always necessary to locate the exact causative factor for this trouble. Regular douching of the genital tract
with a decoction of
the barks of banyan and fig trees is very useful in this condition. One tablespoonful of the powder of each of these two barks should be boiled in one litre of water and reduced to
half. The decoction is then to be filtered and the powder thrown away. When it is slightly warm, douching should be performed. This decoction keeps the tissue cells of this area
healthy. The popular medicine used by Ayurvedic physicians in this condition is Pradarantaka lauha. This drug contains some bhasmas of metals. The most important one is the bhasma
of iron. For the preparation of this medicine, the ingredients are triturated with the juice of kumari. 250 mg. of this drug is given to the patient three times a day,
with honey.
Kumari is also used in the treatment of this condition. It tones up the tissue cells of the uterus and the genital tract and prevents exudation of abnormal fluid. Kumari is planted
in the hedge of gardens. When fully matured this plant produces beautiful pink flowers. It grows luxuriantly in sandy areas. When the outer skin of the leaf of this plant is removed,
a fleshy pulp comes out which is used for the extraction of juice. 30 ml. of this is to be given to the patient twice daily with a little honey added to it, preferably on an empty
stomach. This juice stimulates the liver, promotes digestion and regulates the bowels. It has some effect in correcting the hormonal imbalances by which genital organs of the patient
get toned up.
Lodhra is also used for the purpose of douching. The bark of this tree is used and the decoction of the bark is prepared on the lines suggested above. This medicine is also used in the
form of lodhra asava. The alcoholic soluble fraction of this drug is extracted through a special process during which some other drugs are added to it. 30 ml. of this drug is given to
the patient twice daily after food, with equal quantity of water. Sphatika or alum is also used both externally and internally for the treatment of this condition. Alum is fried in a
vessel over fire and then powdered. One teaspoonful of this powder is added to the decoctions described above and used for the purpose of douching. 125 mg. of this powder is mixed with
125 mg. of pradarantaka lauha and given to the patient twice daily on an empty stomach mixed with honey. Along with all the medicines described above tandulodaka (rice-wash) is given
as a means to accelerate their action. Rice-wash alone is useful for the cure of this disease.
Diet to taken by Leucorrhea patients : Fried and spicy food should not be given to the patient. The patient should not be permitted to keep her stomach empty for a long time. She should not
take heavy, indigestible
food articles. Sour things especially pickles and curd are prohibited. Intake of supari (areca nut) after taking food is very useful both for prevention and cure of this
Other regimens: The leucorrhea patient should be free from worries and should not keep herself awake late in the night. Sexual intercourse during the attack of this disease
is prohibited.
A brisk walk in the early morning helps in the early cure of this disease. Sanitary and hygienic measures should be followed carefully.