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Excessive bleeding during menstruation is called menorrhagia. In Ayurveda, this is known as rakta pradara.

Due to an impairment of the hormones excessive bleeding takes place during menstruation. This impairment is caused by the aggravation of pitta. There are other conditions such as cancer of the uterus and many other blood diseases in which menorrhagia occurs.

Menstruation may start with pain in abdomen, the lumber region, or hips. If excessive bleeding continues for long period, the patient will feel exceedingly weak and debilitated. Giddiness, headache, pain in the calf and restlessness may occur. The patient becomes anaemic and may experience palpitation of the heart. This may also be associated with breathlessness.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Menorrhagia: Ashoka and lodhra are popularly used for the treatment of this condition. The powder of the barks of these two are given to the patient either separately or in a compound form in a dose of one teaspoonful four times a day, with cold water. Ashokarishta and Lodhrasava are two important preparations of these drugs. They are given to the patient in a dose of 30 ml. twice daily after food with an equal quantity of water.

The tender leaves of the pomegranate tree are used for the treatment of this condition. Seven leaves along with seven grains of rice are made into a paste and given to the patient twice daily for a month. This works both as a preventive as well as a curative medicine.

Pravala and mukta are used in acute attacks of this disease. They are given in a powder form which is called pishti. 100 mg. of the powder of this drug is given to the patient four times a day.

Diet to taken by Menorrhagia patients: Old rice, wheat, moong dal, milk and ghee can be given to the patient. Sugarcane juice, grapes, jack-fruit, banana, amalaki and pomegranate are very useful in this condition. Hot and spicy things are to be strictly avoided.

Other regimens: The menorrhagia patient should not resort to any exercise, hard or light. She should take complete rest. Worry, anxiety and anger aggravate this condition and therefore complete mental and physical rest should be taken. Exposure to the sun, heat, riding vehicles, and long journeys should be avoided. While sleeping, the foot of the bed of the patient should be raised a little.