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NEPHRITIS: Ordinarily this means inflammation of the kidney. It is of several types and in different stages of the disease it produces different types of symptoms. In Ayurveda it is called vrikka shotha.

Depending upon the variety of the nephritis, the signs and symptoms considerably vary. Usually there is oedema in the face, which is more prominent in the morning and slowly subsides as the day passes on. The urine may contain albumen or even blood. The blood pressure may increase and the patient may suffer from biliouness, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache and diarrhoea. He usually passes less quantity of urine and if not attended to in time, this may lead to many serious complications.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Nephritis: Punarnava mandoora is the drug of choice for the treatment of this condition. It is available in a powder form and given to the patient in a dose of 1 gm. three times per day mixed with honey. If there is chronic fever associated with nephritis, then the patient should be given Suvarna vasanta malati. It is given in a dose of 0.250 gm. twice a day, mixed with honey. This medicine contains gold in bhasma form which acts as an antibiotic in the body and subsides inflammation.

Diet to taken by Nephritis patients: The patient should be given less of salt and lot of water. Fried things, sour things, specially curd, are strictly prohibited. If there is less or urine, the patient should be given the juice of radish in a dose of 300 ml. two or three times a day.

Other regimens: The patient should be given complete rest and not be permitted to remain awake late at night. If it is associated with fever, cough and cold, the patient should not be permitted to go out-doors. In chronic nephritis the patient should move about, because walking helps him considerably. If there is constipation, steps should be taken to correct it immediately, Triphala powder in a dose of one teaspoonful is very helpful to relieve the constipation of such patients. This can be given to the patient every day at bedtime with a cup of milk or hot water.