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STONES IN THE URINARY TRACT: Urinary stones are generally formed by calcium, phosphates or oxalates. The main parts of the urinary tract are the kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra. The stones are formed primarily in the kidney and sometimes remain there without being noticed for a long time. In certain circumstances they are slowly dissolved or dislodged and come down, and during this process they become lodged in a narrow part of the tract giving rise to excruciating pain.

Stones are formed in the body because of vayu. It creates a type of dryness in the body because of which the chemicals start accumulating over a nucleus, that ultimately takes the shape of a stone. At times the entire kidney is filled with these stones, becomes calcified and stops functioning. If urine is not excreted through the kidneys or excreted in small quantities, uremia sets in and causes many complications. The same phenomenon takes place if a piece of stone gets lodged in ureter or bladder.

The patient experiences pain in the lumber region of the kidneys at the back of the body. The pain radiates towards the genital organs. There might be fever, vomiting, loss of appetite, sleeplessness and painful urination. At times blood may appear in the urine.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Stones in the urinary tract: Pashanabheda is the drug of choice for the treatment of this disease. The rhizome of this plant is used in medicine. It is given in the form of a powder in the dose of one teaspoonful three times a day. It can be given in the form of a decoction also in a dose of 30 ml. three times a day.

Varuna is the other drug which is popularly used for this condition. The bark of this tree is boiled with water and the decoction thus prepared is given to the patient in a dose of 30 ml. three times a day.

Gokshuradi guggulu is very useful when, due to the stone there is obstruction to the passage of urine". Gokshura is known for its diuretic property and guggulu helps in the alleviation of vayu. This compound preparation, therefore, helps both in the cure and prevention of this disease.

The most important drug used in this condition is shilajit (rock exudation- bitumen). Because of its therapeutic efficacy in diseases of the urino-genital tract and its short supply, it is a little difficult to obtain shilajit of good quality.

Now-a-days this drug is being commonly manufactured by boiling stones having shilajatu in them. The dose of this drug is one teaspoonful twice daily and it is given with warm milk. Chandra prabha vati and shilajatvadi lauha are two of the important preparations of this drug.

Diet to taken by stones in the urinary tract patients: The patient should not take beans and pulses. Yellow variety of pumpkin, colocasia and lady's fingers are strictly prohibited. White variety of pumpkin and gourd are very useful in this condition.

Other regimens: The stones in the urinary patient should not sit continuously for a long time. Immediately after taking food he should either walk for a few minutes or lie down. Sitting in the office constantly for a long time is also prohibited. He should sit on a soft cushion and move about for a few minutes after working for about one hour. He should not remain constipated, because constipation aggravates vayu which helps in the formation of stones. A laxative should, therefore, be taken almost everyday. The patient should develop the habit of drinking plenty of water which will help him micturate frequently. This will cleanse the urinary system and will prevent the formation of stones. Occasionally stones which are already formed will break into pieces as they are dissolved and are passed out in the form of gravel or sand.