Destiny Direction Number
Destiny Direction Number
Destiny Direction in Numerology gives vibration of the number arrived with consonance with Astrology. The function of this vibration is to provide additional information about the destiny, or the purpose we have come to fulfill. The destiny, in a very general sense, tells us where we are supposed to be going with our life, while the destiny direction points us more specifically toward the goal we need to aim at.
It indicates our path, which makes the trip easier because we can better see where we are headed. Here numerology combines with astrology to give us greater guidance. To determine the destiny direction we start with the number of the destiny and add to it the number of the astrological sun sign. The destiny direction points to spirituality, intuition, inspiration, psychic ability, invention, and power and energy in abundance.
So, by combining the two, we see that the path is one of service to others through acceptance of responsibility, sharing of revelations, counseling through psychic ability and intuition, with energy directed toward spiritual matters and power used to aid people in domestic, community, and spiritual affairs.
Those born on the cusp have allotted themselves a choice in direction through choosing that time to be born. The cusp is a period of approximately five days at the changing of any two astrological signs; there are two days on either side of the change plus the actual date of the change. People born during these periods are most strongly influenced by the particular sign that they are born under, but they are also strongly influenced by the closeness of the other sign.
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