Inauspicious Yogas in Horoscope online at Astroshastra
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Inauspicious Yogas

There are some inauspicious yogas which are described below.

Khshyaroga Yoga:

The word khshyaroga means tuberculosis. This yoga is formed in a chart if the ascendant lord is posited in the 8th house,the upgreha (please refer to the note below) called Mandi or Gulik is in a Kendra and Rahu is placed in the 6th house. The yoga can cause tuberculosis in the native.

Note: The word upgreha literally means a satellite,but in Vedic astrology, it stands for the nine strategic, sensitive mathematical points which were visualised by ancient sages as capable of causing astrological influence. These are all malefic in nature. The nine upgrehas can be calculated and posited in a birth chart along with the planets.

Bandhana Yoga:

The word bandhana means continent or bondage. This yoga is formed in a chart if Saturn, the ascendant lord and the 6th lord are placed with eifft Rahu or Ketu in a Kendra or a Trikona. This yoga can cause the imprisonment of the native. The evil effects of this yoga are reduced if Saturn itself is the ascendant lord. Any benefic aspects can also reduce the evil effects of this yoga.

Durmarna Yoga:

The name implies unnatural death, If the moon is aspected by the ascendant lord and is posited in 6th, 8th or 12th house along with Saturn, Mandi or Rahu, the native will have an unnatural death.