Unconventional Marriage in Vedic Astrology
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Unconventional Marriage In the Horoscope

A. Only One Marriage

B. Houses Governing Different Marriages

C. More Than One Marriages

Every society has its own conventions and norms to be followed in every aspect of life, so is also in respect of marriage. These may not be uniform all over the country, because of its being composed of various races or societies evolved through ages and thus their own conventions are deep rooted in hearts of its members. They prefer to follow their own conventions or social norms in setting the marriages of their children. But last quarter of 20th century has witnessed rapidly expanding social circles and freely mixing of people from different caste & creeds or faiths and this is having its own effect on young brains, who feel themselves not bound by the rigidity of social conventions (may be even in disregard to the feelings or expectations of their parents in many cases) and thus marrying someone the society would otherwise have not allowed. Such marriages, even in astrological exercises are categorized as unconventional marriageand called unorthodox marriages.

Planetary set up identified for unconventional marriages have been mentioned even in old books in Sanskrit, standing a testimony to the fact that such marriages have been taking place even in those periods and that is why our ancestors have gone into the exercise of identifying the planetary combinations causing this event.

Unconventionality is not limited to marrying a person from different caste or religion faith or from other country etc. but a mismatch i.e. marrying someone of with much age difference, marrying a widow or widower also is covered in it.

Factors indicating such unconventional marriages have been taken from various books are being summarized here for the benefit of readers.

1. Affliction to the 8th house or to the lord of 8th house by Rahu or Ketu or by Mars or Saturn in birth charts or even in navamsa chart induces some unconventionality.

2. Venus joined by Moon in Ascendant and these are joined or aspected by Ketu. it gives rise to what is known as Gandharav Vivah in ancient Sanskrit texts. Such marriages do face hardship or opposition.

3. Rahu occupying Ascendant, joined by Venus and Moon, is a sort of love marriage.

4. Exchange of house between 5th and 7th lords is mostly a setting for love marriage. May be in some cases marriage- ceremony is organized by parents also. 5th is the house of sentiments and emotions and 7th that of marriage, partnership or that of attraction to opposite sex and hence involvement of these two house together points to such relations or intimacies. If Ascendant lord joins or aspects this set up, marriage chances are strengthened for a love marriage.

5. Unaffected Rahu (i.e. not influenced by Saturn Mars or Mandi or Gullick) if well fortified in 7th house and if is joined by Venus, gives contacts with someone in foreign country or person belonging to some other caste, faith or country. In the Example given above Rahu is with Venus, though not in 7th house, but with 7th loi d and aspecting 7th house, gave this unconventional marriage.

6. Venus in 9th house, if sandwiched between two malefics (i.e. placed between two malefics) mostly indicates a mismatch in some respect may be age difference etc. unless strong benefic influence nullifies the effect.

7. 8th lord joined by weak Moon in 7th house indicates a clandestine marriage.

8. Sun and Moon joined by Mars or Saturn or aspected by these malefics indicate spouse from different caste or faith.

9. Venus joined by Neptune in 3rd house gives unconventional marriage.

10. 7th house occupied by lords of trikka houses (i.e. 6th, 8th or 12th lord) may either delay or give unconventional marriage. This is the house of relationship, sex drive and potency.

11. 7th lord occupying 6th, 8th or 12th house is also said to contribute to such abnormalities. It is in the chart given above at S.No. 8 above.

Worse if the above two conditions are mixed i.e. lord of either 6/18/ 12 occupying 7th and 7th lord either posited in one of these house or aspected by their lords. If nothing else, it will give great age difference. In the chart given above 7th lord Moon is in 12th house and 12th lord Jupiter is aspecting 7th house.

12. Afflicted Venus in 9th - a love marriage or out of caste one, or marrying a girl elder than self.

13. Venus with Sun does not favour a normal, timely ceremonized marriage. It may be delayed or even be a case of denial or may give some compulsion in play.

14. Venus placed in movable sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra or Capricorn), surrounded on both sides by malefics and joined or aspected by Saturn gives out of caste marriage if no benefic influence is there to counter it.

15. Ascendant lord as well as lord of 4th house polluted by Rahu by conjunction or aspect, one may go against marriage norms of the society or of religion. This condition is also met with in the chart given above, as 4th house as well as its lord Mars is aspected by Rahu and Saturn. The Asc. lord is also aspected by Rahu. continue Reading.....

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