Blood pressure: Role of Planets, Signs and houses for blood pressure
High blood pressure (hypertension) is considered as the highest killer in this busy and hectic life. It is consistent elevation of the pressure
of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries and other blood vessels. It may be diagnosed, when after repeated examinations, blood pressure
measurements continue to stand above the normal range. It is a rhythmic, variable pressure. It is highest at the instant when the left ventricle of
the heart contracts, the moment when the heart is said to be in systole. It is lowest at the time the heart is at rest or in diastole. Hence everyone
has two measurable blood pressures, systolic and diastolic.
Blood pressure is measured by a blood-pressure apparatus called a sphygmomanometer. The average normal systolic blood pressure at the age of 20 is about 120, the diastolic about 80. However, there is a wide range of normal pressures for different people and the same person may have different pressures under different circumstances. For example, excitement shoots the pressure up. Blood pressure generally increases with age and increase in body weight.
Low blood pressure called hypotension is normal for many people. With others it may result from malnutrition or extended bed rest and weakness. High blood pressure affects first the heart and blood vessels and then indirectly other organs. Hardening of the arteries is perhaps the chief danger of continuing hypertension. A heart attack is usually a case of coronary thrombosis. The usual symptoms of high blood pressure are shortness of breath after slight exertion, dizziness or vertigo, seeing double, pain of tightness in the chest, persistent headache, fatigue, swelling of ankles or abdomen.
Planet Moon signifies watery element, white corpuscles of blood, also ruling blood thickness
Planet Jupiter as additional factor being ruler of arterial blood / fat and Sun signifies oxygen, erratic blood circulation if afflicted.
Astrologically the Sun and Mars rule over the heart.
Houses 4th house (also ruling heart), 8th house and 12th house
Sign Leo (ruling blood), Aquarius (ruling conditions and circulation of blood), watery signs (cancer, scorpio and pisces); Aries Libra Axis
Constellation Poorva Phalguni, Uttara phalguni; Shatbhisha (for high BP) Moola and Poorva Bhadrapada (both for low BP)
Blood Pressure Disorder Moon Uranus, Sun Jupiter, Aries Libra Blood Pressure low (hypotension): Aries Libra emphasis, Jupiter Saturn, Mars Saturn
Primarily weak and/or afflicted Moon, Jupiter and/or Mars (including their placement in trika houses) indicates blood pressure related troubles (also Aries � Libra axis)
Affliction by Rahu may result in high blood pressure due to excitement; affliction by Saturn may indicate anxiety / depression causing variation of blood pressure.
Sun in kendra (angular) to malefics (eg. saturn, mars etc) too indicate blood pressure.
i. Moon, Mars are karaka of blood and cause variation in pressure when they trik lord, conjoin trik lord, be in trik bhavas, debilitated, combust, weak and afflicted.
ii. Houses and sign 4, 8 and 12 rule blood and if are weak and afflicted cause B.P.
iii. A native becomes a patient of B.P if Mars or Moon becomes isolated (i.e. if any of these is in a trik bhava and alone and without benefic influence).
iv. A weak and afflicted Moon but a strong and afflicted Mars gives high B.P.
v. A weak and afflicted Moon and a weak and afflicted Mars gives low B.P.
vi. Sambandha between Sun and Saturn gives low B.P.
vii. Sambandha between Sun and Jupiter gives high B.P.
viii. Mars, Jupiter in angles indicates low B.P.
ix. In short, Jupiter rules arterial blood, Venus rules venous blood, Leo rules blood, Aquarius rules conditions and circulation of blood, watery sign affect blood, Sun gives oxygen, Mars gives Iron and Hemoglobin. Disorders of blood are caused by afflicted by Jupiter and Aquarius sign. Jupiter in an angle or in opposition to lagna gives excess blood. Sign indicated by the Jupiter indicate the part of the body affected.
x. Hypertension: Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars.
High B. P. is denoted by Jupiter and Mars. Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars gives high B.P. Sun's association with Jupiter or when Moon is afflicted and Mars is afflicted and strong.
Low B. P. is denoted if Sun conjuncts Saturn or when Moon is weak and afflicted and Mars is also weak and afflicted.
xi. Anemia /low b.p. - Mars squaring or conjunct Jupiter or Jupiter in 7th from Saturn.
1. Wear Natural South Sea Pearl of around 6 - 7 ratti in small finger of right hand mounted on Silver Ring or Panch dhatu . ORDER IT NOW ...
2. Wear Natural Red Coral of around 3-4 ratti in ring finger of right hand mounted on Copper or Panchdhatu . ORDER IT NOW...
3. You can wear the Combination Pendant of South Sea Pearl and Red Coral in Silver or Panchdhatu Pendant . ORDER IT NOW..
4. If Moon is afflicted by Saturn in your Chart, Donate Mustard Oil on Saturdays.
5. Give Ark of Kheer to Moon every Poornima.
6. Offer Water on Shivling on every Monday.
7. Chant Chandra Mantra "Om Shraam Shreem Shroom Sah Chandramase Namah" daily 108 times.
8. Chant Mangal Mantra "Om Kraam Kreem Kroom Sah Bhomaye Namha" daily 108 times.
You can Consult us at or call us or whatsapp us at 09871921188 for combinations of Blood Pressure in your chart or remedies for you as per Astrology
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Blood pressure is measured by a blood-pressure apparatus called a sphygmomanometer. The average normal systolic blood pressure at the age of 20 is about 120, the diastolic about 80. However, there is a wide range of normal pressures for different people and the same person may have different pressures under different circumstances. For example, excitement shoots the pressure up. Blood pressure generally increases with age and increase in body weight.
Low blood pressure called hypotension is normal for many people. With others it may result from malnutrition or extended bed rest and weakness. High blood pressure affects first the heart and blood vessels and then indirectly other organs. Hardening of the arteries is perhaps the chief danger of continuing hypertension. A heart attack is usually a case of coronary thrombosis. The usual symptoms of high blood pressure are shortness of breath after slight exertion, dizziness or vertigo, seeing double, pain of tightness in the chest, persistent headache, fatigue, swelling of ankles or abdomen.
Planets responsible for Blood Pressure
Planet Mars signifies red corpuscles of blood, Iron, HemoglobinPlanet Moon signifies watery element, white corpuscles of blood, also ruling blood thickness
Planet Jupiter as additional factor being ruler of arterial blood / fat and Sun signifies oxygen, erratic blood circulation if afflicted.
Astrologically the Sun and Mars rule over the heart.
Houses 4th house (also ruling heart), 8th house and 12th house
Sign Leo (ruling blood), Aquarius (ruling conditions and circulation of blood), watery signs (cancer, scorpio and pisces); Aries Libra Axis
Constellation Poorva Phalguni, Uttara phalguni; Shatbhisha (for high BP) Moola and Poorva Bhadrapada (both for low BP)
Blood Pressure Disorder Moon Uranus, Sun Jupiter, Aries Libra Blood Pressure low (hypotension): Aries Libra emphasis, Jupiter Saturn, Mars Saturn
Primarily weak and/or afflicted Moon, Jupiter and/or Mars (including their placement in trika houses) indicates blood pressure related troubles (also Aries � Libra axis)
Affliction by Rahu may result in high blood pressure due to excitement; affliction by Saturn may indicate anxiety / depression causing variation of blood pressure.
Sun in kendra (angular) to malefics (eg. saturn, mars etc) too indicate blood pressure.
i. Moon, Mars are karaka of blood and cause variation in pressure when they trik lord, conjoin trik lord, be in trik bhavas, debilitated, combust, weak and afflicted.
ii. Houses and sign 4, 8 and 12 rule blood and if are weak and afflicted cause B.P.
iii. A native becomes a patient of B.P if Mars or Moon becomes isolated (i.e. if any of these is in a trik bhava and alone and without benefic influence).
iv. A weak and afflicted Moon but a strong and afflicted Mars gives high B.P.
v. A weak and afflicted Moon and a weak and afflicted Mars gives low B.P.
vi. Sambandha between Sun and Saturn gives low B.P.
vii. Sambandha between Sun and Jupiter gives high B.P.
viii. Mars, Jupiter in angles indicates low B.P.
ix. In short, Jupiter rules arterial blood, Venus rules venous blood, Leo rules blood, Aquarius rules conditions and circulation of blood, watery sign affect blood, Sun gives oxygen, Mars gives Iron and Hemoglobin. Disorders of blood are caused by afflicted by Jupiter and Aquarius sign. Jupiter in an angle or in opposition to lagna gives excess blood. Sign indicated by the Jupiter indicate the part of the body affected.
x. Hypertension: Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars.
High B. P. is denoted by Jupiter and Mars. Angular Sun with afflicted Saturn and Mars gives high B.P. Sun's association with Jupiter or when Moon is afflicted and Mars is afflicted and strong.
Low B. P. is denoted if Sun conjuncts Saturn or when Moon is weak and afflicted and Mars is also weak and afflicted.
xi. Anemia /low b.p. - Mars squaring or conjunct Jupiter or Jupiter in 7th from Saturn.
Astrological Remedy for controlling Blood Pressure

2. Wear Natural Red Coral of around 3-4 ratti in ring finger of right hand mounted on Copper or Panchdhatu . ORDER IT NOW...
3. You can wear the Combination Pendant of South Sea Pearl and Red Coral in Silver or Panchdhatu Pendant . ORDER IT NOW..

5. Give Ark of Kheer to Moon every Poornima.
6. Offer Water on Shivling on every Monday.
7. Chant Chandra Mantra "Om Shraam Shreem Shroom Sah Chandramase Namah" daily 108 times.
8. Chant Mangal Mantra "Om Kraam Kreem Kroom Sah Bhomaye Namha" daily 108 times.
You can Consult us at or call us or whatsapp us at 09871921188 for combinations of Blood Pressure in your chart or remedies for you as per Astrology
Planetary Combinations for stone formation
Planetary Combinations of kidney problems
Planetary Combinations of urinary ailments
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