Moon Oil

Moon Oil is to please Planet Moon in the Horoscope. Embrace the nurturing and intuitive energy of the Moon with Planet Moon Magic Oil. This soothing blend of herbs and essential oils is designed to enhance your intuition, emotional balance, and inner peace. Associated with the Moon, this oil helps you connect with your subconscious mind, fostering calmness, clarity, and a deeper understanding of your emotions.

Benefits of Using Plant Moon Magic Oil:
To Enhances Intuition: It Strengthens your intuitive abilities and psychic awareness.
To Promotes Emotional Balance: It helps in achieving emotional stability and calmness.
To Encourages Inner Peace: It Fosters a sense of tranquility and serenity.
To Aid in Dream Work: It supports lucid dreaming and dream recall.

Ways to use this oil:

Anoint and bless yourself or your family members for protection, health and uncrossing by placing a circle of this on the forehead or by applying it to the body in an upward motion.

Place a drop on the crown of the head of your children or other loved ones.

Anytime you feel tense or anxious , add a few drops to warm bath and soak for at least 10 minutes.

Use it as perfume.

Sprinkle it on you.

Caution: Do not ingest. Do not use if pregnant or have epilepsy.

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