Chandra Yantra

Moon Yantra

Chandra Yantra / Moon Yantra to appease planet Moon. It is considered as mind of kalpurush. It is the queen of solar system. She is the Virgin Mary of the Roman Catholics and the mother the Heavens. While the Sun pours spirit and life to all planetary bodies, the moon governs over the life of the beings on earth.


Made of : Copper (Gold Plated) , Silver Pendant
Sizes available : 4X4, 6X6 , 8X8
Packet contains : Gold plated copper yantra , Roli , Mouli.


In Astrology Moon is considered the heart of the chart. Moon gives its malefic effects in house 5, 9, 12. It is considered benefic in house no. 3, 6, 7, 10, 11. To increase the benefic effects and decrease the malefic effect , this yantra is used. This yantra is embossed on copper plate with Silver plating signifying the colour of moon. When moon is malefic in the chart or horoscope, it is kept in the house or pocket to negate the malefic effects of the Planet.

Yantra blesses the native with respect, friendship and create contacts with opposite sex in harmonius way. It shall be installed on any rising Moon Monday and shall be kept with Lord Shiva Photograph or image. Moon Yantra along with Two mukhi rudraksha is very effective in checking the disease caused due to transit of moon, Due to malefic effectof Moon the native becomes lazy, asthmatic and develops diseases related to water. In women it is the main factor for decreasing the calcium and develops the calcium related diseases.

The Mensuration cycle among the women is goverened by transit of Moon. the other problems which are governed by Moon are urinal track infection, stone, mental tension, cough, cold. in these problems it is very useful.

Symptoms of Malefic Moon

Weak eyesight
Hearing problems
Afraid of raking risk in life
Your power to taste or smell gets weak
You are not able to concentrate well on any subject
Have problems in making decision
Asthmatic problems
Prone to cold
Problems like T.B., cough
Scared of small issues also

Benefits of Chandra/Moon Yantra

1. It is very helpful in maintining harmonius Married Life.
2. It helps in removing Depression.
3. It cures Asthma Problems
4. It stablize the mind and helps in making Decisions.

Mantra for Chandra Yantra

"Om Shraam shreem Shroum Sa Chandrmase Namaha"

Astrological Products :
- : Chandra Abhishekam
- : Chandra Homam
- : Chandra Puja for Planets
- : Rudraksha- Two Mukhi, Gauri Shankar
- : Gemstone- Pearl Gemstone to give Power to Moon
- : Moon Bliss Pendant for Marital Bliss
- : Remedies for Planet Moon in Astrology
- : Effect of Planet Moon in Twelve Houses
- : Planet Moon in twelve Signs
- : Planet Moon in the Birth Chart
- : Moon Yogas

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